Waste Management

Products and Services / Waste Management
planta recuperaciones diaz
reciclaje de placas

Environmental Solutions

At Derichebourg Spain, we have been more than 50 years offering waste management solutions to all kind of industries.

We are specialized on Dangerous and Non Dangerous Wastemanagement and its transformation into recycled raw materials, ready to be consumed by the Steel and Metal Industry.

We have a large truck fleet with container service for withdrawal at client’s premises and experienced personnel on waste management and its administrative procedures.

lyrsa planta valladolid
gestion de residuos
camion gestion residuos
gestion integral de residuos

Implantación nacional

Our extensive national coverage with up to twenty plants in Spain and a recycling plant in Portugal, allows us to fully guarantee the needs of our clients and to provide waste management services to industries with maximum efficiency at any geographical point of the Iberian Peninsula.

We offer personalized studies fitted to your particular needs as well as disablement or destruction certificates.